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Summer Camp and Afterschool


EDGE Athletics’ standard of care is that every child feels safe and secure while engaging in fun, structured games and activities. We strive to build a child’s self-esteem, character, and social skills while also setting reasonable, natural boundaries and consequences. We encourage self-discipline and require respect for others. When behavior issues arise, we work within the camp setting to help the camper meet their needs. However, behavioral issues require not only camp counselors and team member intervention, but also support and reinforcement of camp rules and boundaries from parents. This does not mean that your children are “bad” – they are learning and understanding right from wrong. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Consequences for this type of behavior are determined on a case-by-case basis. Early pick up, suspension, or removal from the program can result if behavior that is not conducive to our mission cannot be rectified.



When you sign up for an account in our Parent Portal, there are several policies that you must accept in order for your account to become active. A copy of that policy is linked to the button below. This waiver covers our Recreational Classes, Camp programs, and Field Trips.



Open Gym is a fantastic place to let your child get their energy out on a Friday night in SAFE environment. We ask that a legal adult signs the child in EACH time, and if it is your first time attending a waiver must be signed at the front desk. All participants must follow the posted rules in order to have the best time possible. These rules are posted in the gym and on the Open Gym menu tab, here.  Attached to the button below is a copy of the Open Gym Liability Release, we require that all participants have one. Copies are provided at the gym.

Billing Authorization


When you sign up for an account in our Parent Portal, there are several policies that you must accept in order for your account to become active. A copy of that policy is linked to the button below.

Rules, Terms, Condtions


When you sign up for an account in our Parent Portal, there are several policies that you must accept in order for your account to become active. A copy of that policy is linked to the button below.



All major injuries are documented on incident reports and filed by alphabetical order. All incident reports are kept in physical form and are digitally entered into our enrollment system.   

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